Monday, December 17, 2007

In God's Name - CBS Documentary Intro Video

"People of all faiths and homelands are divided into reasonable and unreasonable people. All that I wish and pray to God for is that the reasonable people would outnumber the fools."

This is a very interesting statement made by the Moslem Sunni leader, Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi in the intro video to the up and coming CBS documentary In God's Name airing THIS SUNDAY.

Many if not most of us believe that all humanity's problems are rooted in the desire to overpower, control and consequently kill those who seem to be religiously, racially or politically separate. The problem is rooted in a FALSE IDEA OF SEPARATION. Religion backed by recent scientific discoveries reveal the truth that we all come from the same source both physically and spiritually. Based on that fact, by nature we ARE shifting our desire more toward peace than war. It is evident that there are more individuals in this world today that oppose war (even in the name of peace or God) than there were maybe a century ago. This is the result of nature's course of action for thousands of years. It is the evolution of human kind. The wish, "prayer of the heart", for betterment is/has been enough for change and yet at this point in time in our evolution of mind, we are are desperate for a more rapid solution to accelerate the necessary shift in consciousness. We can all feel the sense of urgency. We are running out of time.

So what is the solution? How about: "I can't solve the problem - God will if I let HIM". I am curious to see what our world's spiritual leaders express during this documentary. For myself, personally, I am grateful that by the grace of God, we have been given a miraculous speed up device, A Course In Miracles, for every single individual on the planet who is willing to change themselves. Through simple acts of forgiveness an individual can be directed toward a new purpose ultimately leading to a whole new thought system which shows everyone as one creation of God, innocent and loveable regardless of their mistakes.

In the intro video Jules Naudet raises a very good question in regard to the events of September 11th:

Where was God that Day?

Watch the video and read more about CBS, In God's Name

A Course In Miracles Unleashed

Presented by Teachers of A Course In Miracles from Endeavor Academy.

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