Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Pearl Worth Any Price

"There is at the essence of all religion a purity of spiritual experience. In this experience lies the healing essence of love and the recognition of the Oneness of Creation. It is this experience of the singularity of peace for which humanity yearns."

How much do you yearn to be free of conflict...to be at peace? An interesting word "yearn" - it means a passionate desire. The single desire of the Son for the Father. How passionate are you to know the truth? This world we appear to live in is what conflict is...made in the complete denial of God and opposite to him in every way. There has never been any peace here and never will be and yet we all carry a memory of heaven - the peace of God within us. We yearn to go home.

This Thursday, September 21, marks the 25th anniversary of International Day of Peace. Thousands all over the world have made commitments to dedicate this day to the ideal of peace. The very week that all the heads of state are meeting at the United Nations for the UN General Assembly. A critical moment in world history as the US prepares to declare war on Iran. How hot do the flames have to get before we recognize that this is hell. The Pope is deploying damage control envoys to put out the flames - literally. Is it finally time to see it for what it really is - a very bad dream. How long can we fool ourselves with band-aid solutions as we continue to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, so to speak. Where has our focus on seeking for worldly ‘solutions’, both political and religious led us to?

~ Just more problems or merely a change in the form of the problem. Neither of which answered the underlying cause of the problem.

What if you could learn that the only problem you ever had has been solved. How much do you yearn the peace of God? What if like a child waking from a nightmare you could experience your own awakening from this dream of suffering, pain and death to find yourself in heaven - in the arms of God - where you never left - YES that memory of the peace of God that you may have had glimpses of - that you yearn for -deep down in your heart - no matter how much you have used the ways or the world to cover it up.

The light is in you...if you follow it - it WILL lead you home.

This experience of awakening is available to you through the masterpiece of A Course In Miracles. It is the pearl worth any price.
Listen to these words from Jesus and decide for yourself:

What have you done that this should be your world?
What have you done that this is what you see?
Deny your own identity and this is what remains.

Pain is a sign illusions reign in place of truth.
If God is real there is no pain.

If pain is real there is no God.
For vengeance is not part of love.

You can read more on this beautiful Jesus Is Speaking Scroll

Jesus Christ, A Course In Miracles

It's only 2 days to International Day of Peace. Share the miracle by sending our Heart of God Ecard. Click Here to view.

A Course In Miracles

A Course In Miracles Unleashed

Presented by Teachers of A Course In Miracles from Endeavor Academy.

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